Teach your child how to cut out paper snowflakes. Use some to decorate your windows.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Begin telling your child a story, and when you get to an exciting part, stop. Let him or her make up the rest.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
It’s the birthday of American author Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain). Read one of his stories with your child.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Have your child write directions for making his favorite sandwich. Then follow them together.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
At bedtime tonight, tell your child a story about yourself when you were his or her age.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Talk with your child about a choice one of you needs to make. Discuss all the options and possible consequences.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Friday, November 18, 2022 is the last day of school until Monday, November 28, 2022. All schools and the district office will be closed the week of November 21-25, 2022 in observance of Thanksgiving Holidays. Happy Thanksgiving from the faculty and staff of Ware County Schools!
over 2 years ago, Paige Coker
happy Thanksgiving
Hum a song and see if your child can guess its name.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Think of a meaningful quotation you love. Post it where your child will see it.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Draw a picture of a word. See if your child can guess the word. Then let your child pick a word to draw.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
See how many ways your child can write a number. For example, 4 can be written 1+3, 2+2 or 6-2.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Encourage your child to write a thank-you note to a favorite teacher or staff member this month.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Parents/Guardians of students in grades 3 - 12, please take a moment to learn about your child's participation in the Georgia Student Health Survey by visiting https://www.ware.k12.ga.us/o/ware-county-school-district/page/gshs. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Due to inclement weather, Gator All-Star Academy and all out-of-district athletic competitions have been canceled for Thursday, November 10, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Ask your child to pretend he’s the town mayor for a day. Have him list three ideas to make your community stronger.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Reminder: All official communication regarding school closures or changes to our operating schedule will be communicated to families through the district’s Facebook page and website, as well as Thrillshare, our callout system. All Ware County schools will be in session through the remainder of the week (Jovemver 10-11, 2022) unless otherwise noted through those three communication channels. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
When you buy something, ask your child to figure how much tax you will be charged.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Have your child replace adjectives on a printed ad with their opposites.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Hold a family meeting. Make some goals as a family.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools
Do a crossword puzzle together. It’s a great way to learn new words.
over 2 years ago, Ware County Schools