We expect the most significant weather impact to remain to the north and west of Ware County and anticipate that all Ware County schools will operate on a normal schedule Monday, March 4th. We are monitoring road conditions and will make direct contact with families who may be impacted by impassable roads if alternate transportation arrangements need to be made. Please stay alert to changing weather conditions. Any updates will be shared on Facebook and through our new website and mobile app. You can get updates directly on your mobile phone by downloading the Ware County Schools app. Safety remains our top priority.
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Activities for March 4-8
about 6 years ago, Wacona Elementary School
Upcoming activities
Emergency drills are scheduled in three schools this week. Please read the graphic for a message from Superintendent LeBrun.
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Evacuation Drill announcement
We look forward to seeing all of our students and staff return to school on Wednesday, Feb. 20th and hope you have had a wonderful Winter Break!
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
School Resumes Feb 20
Mark your calendar for Feb 28th and come out to see several of our students from elementary, middle, and high school perform at the upcoming Poetry Coffee House. Details are at https://5il.co/6jjr.
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Mark your calendar for Feb 28th and come out to see several of our students from elementary, middle, and high school perform at the upcoming Poetry Coffee House. Details are at https://5il.co/6jjr.
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Friday, Feb. 15th is an Early Release Day!
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Early Release Announcement
Parents and guardians are invited to take a School Climate Survey at http://gshs.gadoe.org/parents. The survey closes March 1st. Take a moment to let your voice be heard!
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Parent Survey Invitation
Parents looking to apply for Intradistrict Transfer to a different school within the district for the 2019-2020 school year must complete this form and submit it to the Ware County Board of Education by 4:30pm on Feb. 28th. https://5il.co/6evj
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Intradistrict Transfer Applications
Congratulations to District Spelling Bee Winner Willow D. (Wacona Elementary) and Runner-Up Dallas B. (Ware County Middle School)!
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Spelling Bee Winner and Runner Up
Congratulations to Evalon Hathaway from Wacona Elementary. She is our Golden Achievement Winner for the month of January.
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
January Golden Achievement Winner
Do you have a student who receives Special Education services? If so, please take the GA Department of Education's parent survey. It will be open through May 31st. http://www.gadoe.org/Parent-Survey
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
Survey Graphic
Keeping up with the trendy teen apps is difficult! Conduct a regular internet search for the latest list to stay informed. Here are 10 apps teens are using that parents should know about, from an ABC news affiliate. https://abc13.co/2SFBQea
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
All schools and the Central Office will observe MLK, Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 21st. School will resume Tuesday, Jan. 22nd.
about 6 years ago, Ware County Schools
MLK School Closure
Fifth grade WINGS students at Wacona Elementary participated in the Iditarod Quilt Project. The Iditarod is an annual dog sled race that occurs in Alaska on the Iditarod Trail.
about 6 years ago, Ware County School District