Have everyone in the family spend 30 minutes cleaning up your home. Many hands make light work.

Ask what five rules your child would make if in charge of the household.

We are monitoring expected inclement weather for Wed., March 5, 2025, and have been in contact with our local EMA Director about its expected effect on our area. School will remain on a normal schedule tomorrow. Expect wind, thunderstorms & gusty conditions from 6-10 AM. Please drive cautiously & dress for the weather. Stay safe!

Stage a family fire drill. Make sure your smoke alarms work.

Write your child a note of thanks. “It’s such a help to the family when you vacuum the floor. Thank you!”

Listen to a piece of music that has no lyrics. Challenge your child to write some or describe what scene they picture while listening to it.

Set aside some time to spend one-on-one with your child today.

If your child gets headaches when reading or holds books too close, schedule a vision check-up.

Ask about a book or article your child read recently.

We are hiring! Come join our team. Visit https://secure3.entertimeonline.com/ta/6145471.careers?CareersSearch=&lang=en-US to see what jobs are available and learn more about working with us by visiting https://www.ware.k12.ga.us/o/ware-county-school-district/page/careers.

Enjoy an outdoor activity with the whole family today. Then, come inside for a cup of hot chocolate.

Ask your child, “Is there anything you wish you understood?” Then, research the topic together.

Remind your child never to share passwords with friends.

Exercise your child’s memory. Ask, “Do you remember what you ate yesterday? The day before?”

Talk about a familiar place. Can your child figure out which direction it is from your home?

Serve your child’s favorite breakfast today just to say, “I love you.”

Teach your child how to read a road map.

Georgia Department of Education Parent Survey
The 2025 Georgia Department of Education Annual Parent Survey is now open for all parents with students in Ware County Schools who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Each year Georgia is required to conduct a parent survey to determine parents’ perception of the success of parent engagement between the local schools’ and themselves. By completing this survey, Ware County Schools will be able to better identify needs in family involvement and how best to partner with families to raise the achievement rates of students in our district.
This survey will assist in achieving the goal of successful outcomes for students with disabilities. You may complete the survey in English or Spanish at the link provided below or by using your smartphone to access the survey with the QR code. If you have any questions please contact your child’s IEP case manager, school coordinator or Ware County Parent Mentor, Kim Gibson at 912-287-2306 or kimgibson@ware.k12.ga.us

Have your child estimate how many bowls of cereal can be poured from one box. Keep track until the box is empty.

Help your child research careers of interest. What skills or education are required for each?