Review goals for the school year. Is your child making progress?
about 2 months ago, Ware County Schools
What is the coldest place in the nation today? The warmest? Have your child calculate the difference between the two temperatures.
about 2 months ago, Ware County Schools
Encourage your child to take photos during a family outing or event.
2 months ago, Ware County Schools
Don’t try to do everything yourself this month. Ask your child to take the responsibility for one or two seasonal traditions.
2 months ago, Ware County Schools
Have everyone write down two positive things about each member of the family. Don’t forget to include yourself.
2 months ago, Ware County Schools
Make eye contact when listening and talking to your child.
2 months ago, Ware County Schools
Notice things that cause your child stress. Discuss ways to handle them.
2 months ago, Ware County Schools
Take a walk on a clear night and look at the sky. Can your child pick out any constellations?
2 months ago, Ware County Schools
Bake cookies together. Ask your child to calculate how much of each ingredient you would need if you doubled or halved the recipe.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Avoid focusing so much on grades that your child feels the need to cheat.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
When it’s time to study for a test, have your child start reviewing at a different place in the notes every time.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Say, “I love you” to your child at least twice a day. Before school and at bedtime are good times.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
When your child tells you something important, repeat it to make sure you understand.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
It’s Veterans Day in the U.S. and Remembrance Day in Canada. Talk with your child about showing respect for veterans.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Ask your child to plan and schedule a fun family evening.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Play a memory game with your child. Try to remember things you each did the day before yesterday.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Today, ask for a lesson in something your child is studying. Teaching others is an effective way to reinforce learning.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Teach your child a life skill, such as how to do laundry. Feeling competent boosts confidence.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Visit the library with your child. Check out some books to read together.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools
Avoid interrupting during your child’s study time. But let your child plan a five-minute break after every 30 minutes of working.
3 months ago, Ware County Schools