Teach your child to trust gut feelings. If your child thinks a situation may get out of hand, it’s best to avoid it.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Ask your child’s advice about a problem you are facing.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Review the highs and lows of the last school year. Discuss with your child ways this year could be better.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Look for a skill you and your child can learn together. It’s a fun way to get to know your child on a new level.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Encourage your child to use sticky notes to write things to remember.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Teach your child to use positive self-talk. Phrases such as “I can do this” help keep kids motivated.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Praise your child’s responsible behavior.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Help your child do something for a neighbor in need. Community service teaches kids that they can make a difference.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Talk about your family’s fall routine. Make plans to eat at least one meal a day together.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Talk with your child about the things you did this summer. What are three things you’ll each remember?
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Make sure you are signed up to receive communications from the school. If you need help, call the office.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Help your child establish a “study nook” for the new school year.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Will your child need supplies for school? Get a list of what’s needed. Ask your student to look at ads and find the best buys.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Help your child re-establish school year bedtime and wake-up routines.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Kids often tell you as much through behavior as through words. “Listen” to your child’s body language.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Children know their shortcomings. They need you to remind them of their strengths.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Help your child make plans to achieve unmet summer goals.
6 months ago, Ware County Schools
Wacona's school supply list has been updated for the 24-25 school year. You can find it on the Wacona website or the Wacona Facebook page. Have a Great Summer!
8 months ago, Wacona Elementary School
Looking for some resources to keep the learning going this summer? Check out these links! https://www.openmiddle.com/ - Online math activities for the major standards https://gpb.pbslearningmedia.org/ - Partnership of PBS & GPB for online lessons. Click on dropdown for grade, then filter by Subject and Resource Type. https://www.gavirtuallearning.org/Resources/Elementary-Courses - Click on Modules and select video learning activities. https://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Curriculum-and-Instruction/Documents/Mathematics/GADOE-Remote-Learning-Supplemental-Resources-for-Mathematics-K-12.pdf - Curriculum map and lessons for kindergarten through high school
8 months ago, Ware County Schools
Visit the library often this summer. Check out books on simple science experiments you and your child can try at home.
8 months ago, Ware County Schools