Certified Golden Achievement Winner Lilly Williams

Lilly Williams is this month’s Certified Golden Achievement Award recipient at Waycross Middle School. During her recognition at the May 2024 board meeting, Principal David Hitt shared the following:

"Mrs. Williams is our Reading Recovery Teacher and has made an incredible lasting impact on our school, our staff, and most importantly our students. Lilly started with us as a self-contained teacher, and when the system provided RTI reading teachers for us, Lilly applied. We had several applicants; going into the interview process, we thought we knew who we wanted for this position. Then Lilly interviewed and we were blown away with her knowledge and her passion for helping students learn to read and to improve their reading abilities. We trusted the interview process and put her to work in the RTI classroom and the magic began.

"Tonight, we honor the difference she has made to our reading program and more importantly, in the lives of our students. I could give you data report after data report that supports her impact, but the bottom line is that there are now several hundred students who are reading at Waycross Middle, at Ware County High School, and in our community who had struggled and been unsuccessful in years past. We cannot measure that, and we can never thank her enough.

"One of my mantras is to always make a positive difference. I can think of no one at our school who has made more of a positive difference in the lives of staff and students this year than Lilly Williams, the Golden Achievement Award Recipient for Waycross Middle."

Help us congratulate Mrs. Williams, who is pictured with Principal Hitt (left) and Supt. Bert Smith (right).