All Ware County schools serving students in grades Pre-K through 12 and the district as a whole were recognized for being “Accredited with Quality” by the Georgia Accrediting Commission at the September 2023 Board Meeting. Representing their schools and the district were (left to right) Jeri Ray - Wacona Elementary, David Hitt - Waycross Middle, Loni Hines - Memorial Drive Elementary, Dr. Bill Epps - Williams Heights Elementary, Dr. Shawanna Johnson - Daffodil Pre-K, Le Var Garner - Center Elementary, Donna Solomon - Ruskin Elementary, Dr. Tyrone Kellogg - Ware County High, Dr. Shelli Tyre - Ware County Middle, Denton Dial - Chairman of the Board representing the district as a whole, and Dr. Biff Lee - Waresboro Elementary. Congratulations!

Ware County Schools Maintains “Accredited with Quality” Status
September 13, 2023