Congratulations to the Ware County High School students who participated in the 2nd Annual High School Rotarian Speech Contest held Thursday evening, March 7, at Coastal Pines Technical College. Participants (pictured from L to R) were: Emily R., Ernest C., Colt H., Kenna W., Kennia K., and Madelyn J.
The contestants each stole the stage with their own speech written to the 2019 Rotary International theme – Be the Inspiration – The Rotary 4-Way Test. The speeches were written with the ideas of: "Is it the TRUTH?" , "Is it FAIR to all concerned?", "Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?", and "Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"
- First Place winner of a $1000 College Scholarship was Kenna Waters
- Second Place winner of $750 College Scholarship was Colt Henderson
- Third Place winner of $500 College Scholarship was Emily Riggins
Both Kenna and Colt will advance to the next level and an opportunity to win greater scholarship monies. Ware County High School thanks the Rotary Club and its members for this golden opportunity to participate in such a memorable experience.