We are loving our new Ware County Schools app! Access cafeteria menus, news updates, staff lists, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2FkxHcX or iPhone: https://apple.co/2FxsJbL.

We are loving our new Ware County Schools app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even
emergency notifications. Download the app on Android:
http://bit.ly/2FkxHcX or iPhone: https://apple.co/2FxsJbL.

The first day of school is August 1, 2019!

If your child is enrolling from home school or virtual school, please contact Dr. Reginna Germano by email at rgermano@ware.k12.ga.us or by phone at 912-283-8656 to register for grade placement testing. The test dates for this summer are July 11th and July 22nd.

If your child is enrolling from home school or virtual school, please contact Dr. Reginna Germano by email at rgermano@ware.k12.ga.us or by phone at 912-283-8656 to register for grade placement testing. The test dates for this summer are July 11th and July 22nd.

Class of 2032, it is time to register for Kindergarten!! Visit https://www.ware.k12.ga.us/article/97147?org=ware-county-school-district for more info.

St. Patrick's Day Items are on sale now! Prizes range from $1.00 - $2.00. Purchase your today!

We expect the most significant weather impact to remain to the north and west of Ware County and anticipate that all Ware County schools will operate on a normal schedule Monday, March 4th. We are monitoring road conditions and will make direct contact with families who may be impacted by impassable roads if alternate transportation arrangements need to be made. Please stay alert to changing weather conditions. Any updates will be shared on Facebook and through our new website and mobile app. You can get updates directly on your mobile phone by downloading the Ware County Schools app. Safety remains our top priority.

School-Wide Parent Conferences will be held on February 28, 2019. A note about this day has been sent home with your child. Please read and fill out the form to set up a time to meet your child’s teacher.

Help support the Music program at Ruskin by purchasing Mardi Gras Beads! Beads cost $1.00. The last day to purchase beads is March 5th.

Emergency drills are scheduled in three schools this week. Please read the graphic for a message from Superintendent LeBrun.

We look forward to seeing all of our students and staff return to school on Wednesday, Feb. 20th and hope you have had a wonderful Winter Break!

Mark your calendar for Feb 28th and come out to see several of our students from elementary, middle, and high school perform at the upcoming Poetry Coffee House. Details are at https://5il.co/6jjr.

Mark your calendar for Feb 28th and come out to see several of our students from elementary, middle, and high school perform at the upcoming Poetry Coffee House. Details are at https://5il.co/6jjr.

Friday, Feb. 15th is an Early Release Day!

Parents and guardians are invited to take a School Climate Survey at http://gshs.gadoe.org/parents. The survey closes March 1st. Take a moment to let your voice be heard!

Ruskin Elementary students and staff celebrated 100 Days of School!

Parents looking to apply for Intradistrict Transfer to a different school within the district for the 2019-2020 school year must complete this form and submit it to the Ware County Board of Education by 4:30pm on Feb. 28th. https://5il.co/6evj

This is a test feed.

Do you have a student who receives Special Education services? If so, please take the GA Department of Education's parent survey. It will be open through May 31st. http://www.gadoe.org/Parent-Survey