Dig out a favorite children’s book and read it together. There are lessons to be learned.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Spend a few minutes talking with your child at bedtime.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Encourage persistence by saying things such as “I know you can figure this out.”
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Start a list of places your family would like to visit. Have your child research information about these places.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Give your child three reasons why spending time together makes you happy.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Discuss something you recently learned with your child. This shows education is a lifelong process.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Visit an outdoor site with your child this weekend, such as a garden or a park.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Challenge your child to create a recipe and write it down. Try it out!
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Remind your child how important it is to turn in work. Just one missing assignment can lower a grade.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Talk together about your child’s dream job.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
When your child is talking to you, tune everything else out and listen.
4 months ago, Ware County Schools
Serve your child breakfast in bed this weekend as a special treat.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Play board or card games as a family tonight.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Make a point of saying thank you when your child does something helpful, whether asked or unasked.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Have your child estimate how long it will take perform a task or travel somewhere, then do it to find the real answer.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Give your child a say in something, such as which movie to watch, what kind of pizza to order or which shirt to wear.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Suggest screen-free activities your child can do alone—crafts, reading or listening to music.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Enjoy some physical activity with your child. You’ll both get exercise— and it may lead to some interesting conversation.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Find a place to display things your child is proud of, such as awards and improved work.
5 months ago, Ware County Schools
Whenever possible, use positive phrases instead of pessimistic ones. Replace “It won’t work” with “Why don’t we try it?”
5 months ago, Ware County Schools