Recently, one of our Ware County teachers, Mrs. Shirley Nettles, was diagnosed with lymphoma. Her Center Elementary family came together to help fight alongside her against this disease. After sharing our t-shirt fundraiser with the Ware County School District, we were able to present her with a check for $3500. This is an amazing testament to how not only her Center family loves and supports her, but also how this amazing community comes together to support someone who is in a fight for life.
Mrs. Nettles shared with us how much she appreciates this and was very humbled by the amount of money raised on behalf of her and her family. She will use the money to offset the expenses incurred with her sickness. We love Mrs. Nettles and look forward to her return! As seen in the photo, her students miss and support her as well. Thank you to everyone who participated in this fundraiser.
Mr. Tyler A. Bennett is the principal at Center Elementary. #TeamNettles