Important Announcement



District and school administrators held a virtual meeting this morning to discuss the system's instructional plan moving forward, report cards, promotion/retention policies, end of year activities, and our projected return to school date.

Instructional Plan: Due to the lack of WiFi and device accessibility in all homes, the Ware County School System will not be moving to an online instructional format. Instead, families can take advantage of one of two options:

Option A - We will provide a list of digital resources parents can use, with the recommendation that students should spend 30 minutes each on ELA and Math every weekday.

Option B - Families who do not have adequate device or WiFi access can request a packet via email or pick one up at a feeding location beginning Wednesday, April 15th. We will share a link to a Google form for families requesting the packet. It will be different from the current link available.

The content provided in the digital resource list or instructional packet will contain review material only. Although students are not required to use Option A or B, we strongly encourage families to use the resources provided to reduce any deficiencies moving into the next school year.

Teachers of AP courses may continue to work with their students. No other teachers should be taking grades on assignments, unless a student is considered at-risk: At-Risk Students - Teachers will reach out directly to students who are in danger of failing to offer an opportunity to make up any missed assignments. Assignments may be submitted and grades changed in Infinite Campus up through close of business April 15th. If an at-risk student needs but cannot access a device or WiFi to complete a missing assignment, the teacher is asked to create an alternate assignment the student can complete instead.

Report Cards: 3rd nine weeks report cards will be mailed on Monday, April 20th. The cut-off date for students to submit missing assignments and for teachers to adjust 3rd nine weeks grades is Wednesday, April 15th.

Promotion/Retention Policy: Board Members will vote on a revised promotion/retention policy at the April Board Meeting. Staff members and the public are invited to watch all scheduled or called Board Meetings, links to which are posted at>Menu>Board of Education Meeting Livestreams. We will share the new policy once it has been approved. It is very similar to the current policy, except it removes Milestones language and focuses on academic classes (not connections/CTAE) to determine promotion.

End of Year Activities: All end of year activities (prom, field day, honors day, PreK and High School graduation, etc.) are postponed until further notice. We cannot forecast what may happen after April 30th and must wait for guidance from national and state leaders.

Return to School Date: We must continue to follow national and state social distancing guidelines. We do not know yet when school may resume. You may safely assume that school is not in session until you see an announcement containing a reopen date.

Thank you for continuing to work with us during these extraordinary times. We want all of you to stay healthy, so please continue to follow the guidelines for washing hands and practice social distancing. We look forward to welcoming you back to campus at the appropriate time!