Andrea Miller Golden Achievement Award Winner
Chris Williams Golden Achievement Award Winner
Attention Please
2022-2023 WCS Calendar
DAFFODIL Pre-K Registration
WCS Announces Changes to 2021-2022 Calendar
Ms. Strickland is Certified Golden Achievement Winner
Ms. Moody is Classified Golden Achievement Winner
Jazz Band Students Win All-State Band Recognition
Friday, Dec. 17 will be a Professional Learning Day. Students will not come to school on Dec. 17th.
A photo showing firefighters visiting Ruskin Elementary First Graders
An image showing Ruskin Elementary students with Veterans Day poster
Gator All-Star Academy
Happy Thanksgiving from the Faculty and Staff of Ware County Schools
A photo showing WCHS Competition Team Cheerleaders
A photo showing students who competed in SkillsUSA
A photo captioned Friday, November 19, 2021 is Early Release Day
A photo with text 2021 GSBA Exemplary School Board, Congratulations Ware County BOE
Judy Carter accepting Certified Golden Achievement Award