Congratulations to Mrs. Tarri Baker, the classified Golden Achievement Award winner for the month of May 2023. Upon presenting the award, Principal David Hitt shared the following:
“This month’s Golden Achievement Award recipient for classified staff is Mrs. Tarri Baker at Waycross Middle School. Mrs. Baker’s cover at Waycross Middle is that of the head custodian. Her real job is much more detailed and critical. Mrs. Baker is a counselor, a cheerleader, a prayer warrior, a dear friend, and a “parent” to staff and students at Waycross Middle.
“While she does an amazing job with leading our custodial staff and keeping our building clean even though we, like other employers, have been understaffed the past few years, her true value is the love she shares with everyone at Waycross Middle. Sometimes it is tough love. I have heard her get on to a child so hard it hurt my own feelings. But that child knew Sister Baker loved them, wanted the best for them, and, most importantly, would always be there for them.
“I have seen her console and pray with staff members going through tough times and giving them hope. For me personally, she just brightens my day. We have been at this a long time together, and there have been more days than I can count that her words, smile, or laugh has gotten me through a rough day. There is no doubt that this month’s recipient of the Golden Achievement Award, Mrs. Tarri Baker, truly exemplifies what it means to be a Waycross Middle Bulldog. She is a very caring person who loves her job, loves every student, and loves our school family. My friend, Mrs. Tarri Baker.”
What kind things to say about a very deserving employee!
Mrs. Baker is pictured with Principal Hitt (left) and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Lynn Barber (right).