Dual Enrollment Courses are college courses that allow you to get high school credit and college credit at the same time. These courses are paid for through the Georgia Student Finance Commission's Dual Enrollment Funding Program for students in grades 10 - 12 based on grade eligiblity requirements.
WCHS students primarily take courses through South Georgia State College (SGSC) or Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC). Both schools have academic and elective courses that are offered in person and online.
The first step for any student interested in the Dual Enrollment Program is to meet with WCHS Dual Enrollment Coordinator: Ms. Kelli Bacon (Room 1208). Students can schedule a meeting by signing up on a sheet that is posted to the door of room 1208. Due to Ms. Bacon's teaching schedule, she is most accessible by email. (kelli.bacon@ware.k12.ga.us)
See the links below for detailed information. If you have any questions, contact Ms. Kelli Bacon (kelli.bacon@ware.k12.ga.us)
Spring Senior Graduation Requirement Contract Effective SY 2024-2025
Dual Enrollment Information Links